Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The dual birth stories of Trinity and Tiffany

Princess Tiffany arrived on
2nd March!!! It was an induced natural birth as I told my gynae, Dr Judy Wong of Thomson Medical Centre, that she hasn't been active the past couple of days so Dr Judy said, "go with the Mother's instincts." and had me induced. Thank God for that as when Tiffany was born, she had her umbilical cord around her neck and an arm! Thank God for His wisdom to guide Tiffany not to move much, as moving her arm would tighten the cord around her neck!

Praise Jesus She is safe and sound! At 38 weeks, she is 2.93kg, 47cm. while Trinity was 2.85kg, 48cm when she arrived at 37 weeks.

My birth story now... I didn't take epidural as I has very terrible side effects with Trinity. I was shaking like a drug addict and the epidural didn't take effect as I waited for 15 hours and was only dilated for 3cm and in the last few minutes after my gynae spoke to me about the possibility of C Sect, I suddenly dilated from 3cm to 9.5cm immediately which was so freaking pain!!! So the epidural numbed my body and made me shake uncontrollably but I could feel the actual dilation! Moreover, it made me feel physically weak and I couldn't do much for Trinity during her first month.
So this time round I decided not to have it. I wanted to experience the whole birth process. Boy was it a life changing experience! I thought I'd never made it through!
I was induced at 1.30pm. Contractions started and it was until 6pm when I thought it was bad. But I was only 3cm dilated then. At 7.30pm, the contractions were 30 seconds apart and it was so painful! I dilated to 5cm at 745pm and by 8pm I was fully dilated. I couldn't deal with with contractions and squeezed my hubby's thumb it was almost broken! It was so painful and I had the urge to push badly. It was a relief to be able to push actually! I had quite a bit of a tear because I was too eager to push and Dr Judy had to remind me to restraint myself (but Praise Jesus I recovered fast).
But I didn't regret not using epidural. I am so energetic and able to relief myself within 2 hours, bathe within 6 hours and walk around. I couldn't feel better! And I'm glad that I could actually feel Tiffany descending into the birth canal as I relaxed and appreciated how I could actually worked with Dr Judy and feel
Tiffany coming.
Breastfeeding has been awesome as well. Tiffany's rooting reflex is good and her suction power is very strong! I breastfed Trinity till she was 20 months old so will plan to breastfeed Tiffany as long as possible as well. However, this time round, Tiffany refuses to take the bottle. She would rather starve then to take the bottle and would only do direct latch on. However, Praise Jesus she has begun her weaning journey and she LOVES EATING as much as breastfeeding. :)

Inspiring Yummy mummies,

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