Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Japanese Char Siew that Melts in your mouth

Eating Ramen in Singapore cost an average of 10-30 dollars, depends on the ingredients. Hence I decided to give it a go at creating my own Japanese Char Siew to go along with store bought packet ramen. Using pressure cooker, I managed to achieve the melt in your mouth texture. This recipe is easy and besides eating with ramen, the char siew can be served over hot Japanese rice or a a side dish with some beer for your hubby if you like!

Here's the ingredients:
Pork belly 600g
Japanese Shoyu, 2tbsp
Japanese cooking sake, 5 tbsp
Mirin (Japanese sweet rice wine), 3 tbsp
Hinode chicken BBQ sauce, 1 tbsp
Sugar, 1 tsp
Green onion, 2 stalks
Garlic, 1 clove

1. Using only tap water, pressure cook the pork belly twice in the pressure cooker.

2. Combine the ingredients and marinate at least 5 hours or overnight, in a bowl, flip over to marinate evenly.

3. Steam the whole bowl of marinate and meat for 10minutes in medium heat.
4. Slice and serve with ramen or as a lovely side dish!

Inspiring Yummy mummies,

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