Tuesday, May 28, 2013

3 ingredients homemade Gummy recipe!!!

This is a very exciting and easy recipe for all mummies!!! Because children love gummies and it is quite a headache to read through the ingredients of store bought gummies
looking out for high fructose corn syrup, preservatives, artificial colorings and etc etc etc.
A friend of mine bought a gummy maker which came with this simple recipe so I decided to give it a try using my own silicone mould and it was a great success!
With this flexible 3 Ingredients gummy recipe, we will be able to create gummies using the fruit juice of our children's choice with gelatin and caster sugar. Best of all, from measurement to process of making to refrigeration till its ready to be serve only needs less than 30minutes! What a life saver! The texture taste like Japanese gummies and the proportion of sugar and fruit juice taste is just nice! Try it today with your children!

50ml fruit juice of your choice
10g gelatin powder
2 tablespoon caster sugar

Essential equipment:
Microwave oven
microwaveable bowl
Silicone mould.

(The garden theme ones I used for this was from Daiso, But it was seasonal. The ones from Wiltshire and Phoon Huat are very nice too!)

1. Mix fruit juice and Gelatin well in a microwaveable bowl.
2. Microwave for 20 seconds on low heat.
3. Add in caster sugar, Stirring till sugar has completely dissolved.
4. Scoop mixture into mould.
5. Refrigerate till set.
6. When ready, push the silicone mould gently and use fingers to release the gummies.
7. Enjoy!

Inspiring Yummy Mummies

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