Saturday, September 8, 2012

Munch Ministry invite! A meal under 1 hour! 3 recipes!

I'm blessed to be invited by munch ministry to share how to whip up a meal under 1 hour. Munch ministry is the place that has inspired me to cook with strong support from fellow members! Munch Ministry has a dictionary full of wonderful recipes!


Back to preparing this meal...since my elder daughter loves cream based western food accompanied with some crunch, I decided to prepare 3 simple and yummy dishes that she will like for her birthday.
Here's the menu:
Crunchy garlic baguette
Cream of Mushroom soup
Ham and prawn Mentaiko angel hair

Crunchy garlic baguette
Sliced baguette
5 tablespoon Salted butter
2 teaspoon Minced garlic
Optional: 1 teaspoon dry herbs of your choice.

1. Mix salted butter, minced garlic and dry herbs.
2. Spread evenly on each slice of baguette.
3. Bake for 10 minutes at 160 degree Celsius and it's done!

Mushroom soup
2 teaspoon minced garlic
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 packs pesticide free fresh brown button mushrooms
2 packs pesticide free fresh white button mushrooms
1 liter swansons chicken stock
4 mashed russet potatoes
4 tablespoon Cooking cream
Optional: a dash of truffle oil

1. Remove any dirt on mushroom. As it is pesticide free, there is no need to wash them and unnecessary washing will cause mushrooms to absorb too much water.Slice mushrooms.
2. Heat pot on low. Add olive oil and butter.
3. Add garlic when butter has melted. Sauté until fragrant.
4. Add sliced mushrooms and sauté until mushrooms has reduced in size and simmer for 10 minutes.
5. Add stock and mash potatoes.
6. Stir evenly and taste. Add salt if it's bland and water if it's salty.
7. Off the fire. Use hand blender to blend soup to the consistency fancied.
8. Add cooking cream and stir. Taste and add more cooking cream if required.
9. Now it's done! Serve with a dash of truffle oil if you fancy.

Ham and prawn creamy angel hair
600ml swanson chicken stock
150ml water
1 tablespoon butter
500ml of cooking cream
2 tablespoon of shredded red and white cheddar cheese
300g Sliced honey shaved ham
300g defrosted frozen deshelled prawns
500g San Remo angelhair
50g flying fish roe
Shredded roasted japanese seaweed

1. Bring chicken stock to boil on low heat.
2. Add butter, ham and prawns.
3. Simmer for 2 minutes.
4. Taste. Add 150ml of water if necessary.
5. Add cooking cream. Turn off heat and add cheese
6. Cook angel hair in boiling water with 1 tablespoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of olive oil for 2 minutes. Remove and wash in cold water.
7. Toss in olive oil.
8. Combine pasta sauce and pasta
when ready to serve and add flying fish roe and seaweed.
9. Now it's done! Enjoy!

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